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Pottery Court consists of 113 affordable one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartment homes in Lake Elsinore.

Pottery Court consists of 113 affordable one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartment homes in Lake Elsinore.


Located just two blocks from Lake Elsinore’s historic downtown Main Street, this site is close to core amenities, such as schools and grocery stores as well as restaurants, vintage shops and the lake itself. With green building a focus for the project, the landscape consists of an arid palate with fruit trees (such as citrus) providing additional benefits for residents. The buildings feature green building materials such as energy efficient appliances, cool roofs, low-e windows and more.


Amenities include a community space, a study room, a great room for parties, a full kitchen, BBQs and outdoor play areas.


See more of the property
the facade of the building is lit up at night
a woman sitting on a chair in a window
people sitting on benches in front of a tall building

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